American Legion Remington, Harold J. Davis Post 247
Call Us: 703-596-5964
Community Leaders Recognized
Remington Post 247 was proud to host our Annual Community Appreciation Dinner where we were able to recognize the Post Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, and several other Community Leaders who have contributed significantly to the American Legion mission over the past year.
This formal dinner could not have been successful without the support of the Liberty High School Junior ROTC cadets who served the food for this event. We were very fortunate they were able to help the Post in recognizing our Community Leaders.
Sheriff Mosier, Fauquier County Sheriff, was presented a special recognition award by Remington Post 247 for his superior efforts since being elected to office this past year. Sheriff Mosier has lead the charge to reinvigorate the Sheriff’s office with new programs to keep our community safe. He has spearheaded the efforts to secure narcotics kits to save the lives of individuals who have overdosed on dangerous drugs, established an Explorer Post program to introduce our youth to the exciting field of Law Enforcement, and greatly improved communication with our community through the use of social media reporting. For his superior efforts in keeping our community safe, Sheriff Mosier was presented a Law Enforcement Certificate of Commendation by the American Legion.
Trooper Jessie Lewis of the Virginia State Police was presented a special recognition award by Remington Post 247 for his distinguished service to our community. Trooper Lewis and his K-9 partner Ace have been a powerful team with several suspects apprehended from successful tracks. Trooper Lewis leads a special training group in Richmond Virginia and supports other agencies such as the Chesterfield County and Richmond City Departments as well as our own Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office. In addition to his Law Enforcement activities, Trooper Lewis is also involved with Girl Scouts and the Fauquier Freeze traveling softball team. For his superior efforts, Trooper Lewis was presented a Law Enforcement Certificate of Commendation by the American Legion.
Captain Acors of the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office was recognized as the Remington Post 247 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. Captain Acors is credited with saving the lives of two suicide attempts with his calm demeanor and quick actions, in one case Captain Acors rushing into an active shooter scene after shots were fired and subduing a suspect who was lunging for a revolver. Captain Acors has spearheaded the Fauquier Sheriff’s Active Shoot Program putting together an Active Shooter Training curriculum used by the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy. He has also formed a critical partnership with the Fauquier County School Administration, Fauquier County Department of Fire Rescue and Emergency management, Virginia State Police, and the Warrenton Police Department. Ray was instrument in the Travis Project to address the current epidemic of opioid and heroid overdoses. For his heroism as well as his superior efforts above the call of duty, Captain Acors was been selected as the Remington Post 247 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.
Chief Gillam Gillam of the Fauquier County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management was recognized as the Remington Post 247 Firefighter of the Year. Chief Gillam not only serves as a firefighter with the Fauquier County Fire Rescue and Emergency Management, but he has also gone above those requirements and become a certified Paramedic. Chief Gillam’s leadership and self-sacrifice led to his selection as the first ever employee from Fauquier County to attend the Virginia Fire Officers Academy. He has demonstrated his leadership by building a strong working relationship with Catlett Company 7, developing a Staffing Team to manager over 60,000 hours of staffing and emergency staffing during critical events, and was instrumental in the development and testing of the 2015 Lieutenant’s School. In additional to all of this he still responds to calls with the department when needed and continually devotes much of his personal time helping others in meeting their personal and professional goals as well. All of this led to his selection as the Remington Post 247 Firefighter of the Year in addition to his selection as the American Legion Department of Virginia Firefighter of the year.
The Remington Town Council was recognized for their continued support for the Remington American Legion and it’s programs. The Post programs and events are much more successful due to the superior support provided by the Town Council. The Remington Town Council was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for their support of the Remington Post. Mr. Wilson Clatterbuck, Town Council Treasurer, accepted the award on behalf of the Town Council.
Mr. Vitale as the owner of Griolis Italian Bistro has shown dedication to Veterans and their families. His willingness to donate food and his restaurant space to the furtherance of the community and our American Legion Post is phenomenal. Mr. Vitale was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for his continued support.
Helen Wyckoff as the owner of True Value CK Home and Hardware provides daily support to Veterans and their families. From discounts to dedicated parking spots for Veterans, she has always displayed dedication and honor on all Veterans she comes into contact with. In addition, she has been a driving force in hosting numerous Veteran related events at her store in Bealeton, including the upcoming Hometown Heroes Day two weeks from now. Helen was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for her continual support of Veterans and Remington Post 247. Accepting on behalf of Helen Wyckoff was her son, Mr. Christopher Wyckoff.
Also recognized was Colonel O’Sullivan for his tireless efforts in developing the future generations of our military by instilling discipline, teamwork and core values into the youth of our nation. He has supported numerous American Legion and community events by forming and teaching an honor guard to present our National Colors. Colonel O’Sullivan was presented a Certification of Appreciation for his support of the American Legion and community.
Lastly, the young men and women of the Liberty High School Junior ROTC. The Junior ROTC members have dedicated themselves to serving and learning what it takes to serve in today’s armed forces by giving hundreds of personal hours towards training and supporting organizations by providing honor guards for all occasions. The Liberty High School Junior ROTC was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for their support of the American Legion and community.